应深圳大学土木与交通工程学院和广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室的邀请,澳大利亚悉尼大学KennyKwok教授和Gang Hu博士将于2019年4月22日访问深圳大学,进行学术交流与合作研究,并为全体师生作风工程与风能领域系列学术讲座,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加!
1、 报告题目:High-performance wind energy systemfor buildings in an urban environment
报告人:Prof. Kenny Kwok(The University of Sydney)
Thispresentation presents the findings of recent research undertakencollaboratively at The University of Sydney, Hong Kong University of Scienceand Technology and Western Sydney University in the applications ofbuilding-integrated wind turbines and other wind power generation systems in anurban environment. These studies focused on the utilisation of buildingconfigurations, in particular double-skin façade and through-building opening,to facilitate the integration of wind turbines and other wind energy harvestingdevices in buildings for wind power generation. In addition to conventionalhorizontal axial type wind turbines, a special linear cascade wind turbine,referred to as a PowerWindow, has been studied in details for its potentialintegration in buildings. Other wind energy harvesting systems based onaerodynamically-modified enhanced aeroelastic response of wind-sensitive bluffbodies, including square prisms which are prone to vortex-induced lock-in andgalloping, and circular cylinders which are prone to vortex-induced vibrationand lock-in, have also been studied for their potential applications in andaround buildings. Wind tunnel model tests were conducted to measurelocal/global wind flow characteristics and wind pressure/force distributions tostudy the effects of operating wind speed, in particular critical speedeffects, turbulence and wind directionality. These measured results were usedto benchmark simulated results using CFD. For the PowerWindow, its performancewas also assessed by testing a prototype in a large cross-section wind tunnel.
报告人简介:Professor Kenny Kwok is currently aProfessor of Engineering at The University of Sydney. He was previouslyProfessor at Western Sydney University (2008 to 2017), Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology (1998-2008) and The University of Sydney (1999-2002).Kenny is also Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) since2008. His research interests include wind engineering, structural dynamics,vibration control, human perception of motion, and environmental fluidmechanics, particularly with respect to the dynamic behaviour of tall buildingsand flexible structures in strong winds. His research focuses on fundamentalaspects of building aerodynamics and wind-structure-occupant-damperinteractions, and their practical applications to real life situations. He haspublished over 500 articles in journals, book chapters, invited and keynotepapers, and conference papers. He is a Life Member of the Australasian WindEngineering Society, Honorary Member of Romania Wind Engineering Society, and aFellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Institution of Engineers,Australia.
2、报告题目:Addressing Wind EngineeringProblems using Wind Tunnel Testing, CFD, and Artificial Intelligence Techniques(基于风洞试验、CFD和人工智能技术解决风工程问题)
报告人:Dr. Gang Hu(The University of Sydney)
This presentation willintroduce application of traditional tools, e.g. wind tunnel testing (WTT)techniques and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations, and the emergingtechnique, i.e. artificial intelligence (AI), in the field of wind engineering.WTT and CFD have been used to reveal aerodynamic behaviors of an inclinedsquare cylinder, tall buildings with double-skin façade, tall buildings withvertical-axis wind turbines, and enhance efficiency of piezoelectric windenergy harvesting. An AI prediction model based on WTT datasets has been builtto predict wind force acting on circular cylinder for Re ranging from 104 to106 and turbulence intensity (Ti) ranging from 0% to 15%. This AI modelprovides very efficient and economical alternative to WTT and CFD simulationsfor determining wind force around circular cylinders within the studied Re andTi range. Furthermore, AI technique has been employed to evaluate interferenceeffects between tall buildings.
报告人简介:Dr. Gang HU is currently apostdoctoral research associate at School of Civil Engineering, The Universityof Sydney. He obtained his bachelor, MPhil, and PhD degree from Central SouthUniversity (2009), Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen, 2011), and HongKong University of Science and Technology (2015) respectively. From 2015/09, hejoined the CLP Power Wind/Wave Tunnel Facility at HKUST as a researchassociate, and served as a postdoc fellow at Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering at HKUST from 2016/09 to 2017/11. From 2017/12 todate, he has been employed as a postdoc research associate at the School ofCivil Engineering, The University of Sydney. He is an executive committeemember of Hong Kong Wind Engineering Society. His research interests includestructural wind engineering, wind energy by using wind tunnel test, CFD, and AItechniques. To date, he has published about 30 papers in international reputablejournals.
