报告题目:Finite element Analysis for heattransfer in Metal Foam System Filled with Phase Change Materials
报告人:秦庆华 教授 (澳大利亚国立大学)
The hybrid finite element model we developed isbriefly introduced and applied to the heat transfer in Phase Change Materials(PCM). It is noted that the melting efficiency is often limited by the lowthermal conductivity of PCMs. As a part of this work, numerical simulation is carriedout for analyzing the enhanced heat transfer in the metal honeycomb foam systemfilled with PCMs. In the present PCM/FOAM model, octadecane is used as PCM, andthe metal honeycomb foam with 96% porosity is employed as enhancer to improvethe heat transfer performance in the PCM and accelerate its melting. ThePCM/FOAM model is heated on one of surfaces with a constant heat flux so thatthe PCM can be heated from the solid state to the pure liquid state. Theenhanced heat transfer in the PCM/FOAM model is numerically determined by thefinite element technique. The numerical results obtained are compared withthose for the pure PCM to illustrate the enhancing effect due to the presenceof metal foam. Results show that the overall heat transfer rate can beincreased by about 100% due to the addition of metal foam. Finally, thecomparative analysis is carried out for different metal matrix materials andPCMs.
Qing-Hua Qinreceived his Bachelor of Engineering degree in mechanical engineering from ChangAn University and earning his Master of Science degree and PhD degree fromHuazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in China. Both MS and PhDare in applied mechanics. He joined the Department of Mechanics as an associatelecturer at HUST in 1984. After spending ten years lecturing at HUST, he wasawarded a DAAD/K.C. Wong research fellowship in 1994, which enabled him to workat the University of Stuttgart in Germany for nine months. In 1995 he left HUSTto take up a postdoctoral research fellowship at Tsinghua University, China,where he worked until 1997. He was awarded a Queen Elizabeth II fellowship in1997 and a Professorial fellowship in 2002 at University of Sydney and stayedthere till December 2003, both by the Australian Research Council, and iscurrently working as a professor, associate dean of the college, and groupleader of materials and manufacturing group in the Research School ofEngineering at the Australian National University, Australia. He was appointeda guest professor at HUST in 2000. He was also awarded a Cheung KongProfessorship at Tianjin University in 2001 from the Ministry of Education ofChina. He has published more than 300 journal papers and 8 English monographsin the field of applied mechanics.
中文简历:秦庆华(Qing-Hua Qin)教授,于1984年和1990年获华中科技大学固体力学专业硕士和博士学位,1994年获DAAD—王宽诚基金赴德国Stuttgart大学访问研究。1995年-1997年到清华大学作博士后研究;1997和2002年分获澳大利亚研究理事会QueenElizabeth II 研究员和Professorial Fellow位置,2004年至今在澳大利亚国立大学工学院担任教授、副院长 (2011-2013)、研究中心材料加工制造组的带头人等职位。2000年被聘为华中科技大学客座教授;2002年被天津大学聘为**学者特聘教授。2017年起在深圳大学任特聘教授。在应用力学领域,已发表300多篇期刊论文,出版8部专著,获得澳大利亚科学院颁发的J.G. Russell奖。
