中文版 English 广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室 深圳市土木工程耐久性重点实验室 中-荷土木工程材料联合实验室


2019.3.27 第四届第三期-Em. Prof. Joost Walraven-From high strength to high-performance concrete

2019年03月27日 14:188

本周周四(03月28日)将举行本学期第3次实验室学术论坛,将继续由Joost Walraven教授为大家带来一 场关于 高强度混凝土到高性能混凝土转变的讲座,欢迎大家积极参与讨论。

主题:   From high strength to high-performance concrete
主讲人:Em. Prof. Joost Walraven
Delft University of Technology
Convenor of fib Task Group 3.2 “Modelling the behaviour of existing structures”

时间:3月28日(周四)下午16:00 - 18:00

讲座简介:At the beginning of this century, a remarkable increase of the maximum attainable strength of the concrete was noted. Ultra-high strength concrete with a cylinder strength up to 200 MPa is now possible, for which not only the strength but as well the ductility is superior, as a result of fine steel fibres added to the concrete. This concrete, which was initially regarded as academic, showed soon remarkable chances for the design of large and spectacular structures. With this material, very slender and durable structures can be made. A number of examples will illustrate this. However, in the meantime, people got interested in other properties than strength alone. They expressed the wish to design with self-compacting fibre concrete in order to reduce the effort at the building site and speed up the construction process, where high strength is not the most important property anymore. Gradually people start to think about other properties than strength alone. It was argued that reducing the strength could improve the ductility of a fibre concrete so that other applications would become possible. At the time the subject of sustainability gets increasing attention. So why not designing a concrete with a cement content as low as possible in order to decrease the CO2 emission, meanwhile still satisfy minimum strength requirements? In the near future concrete should not only be classified anymore in terms of compressive strength.  Design of concrete mixtures could aim at selected properties, such as a high impermeability, without necessarily be linked to high compressive strength. Even a low strength concrete could be a high-performance solution for certain applications. Building codes should allow this other way of thinking in future.


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下一条:2019.3.21 第四届第二期-Em. Prof. Joost Walraven-The aging infrastructure: challenge for researchers and engineers