中文版 English 广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室 深圳市土木工程耐久性重点实验室 中-荷土木工程材料联合实验室


2019.3.21 第四届第二期-Em. Prof. Joost Walraven-The aging infrastructure: challenge for researchers and engineers

2019年03月15日 11:038

本周周四(2019年03月21日)将举行本学期第2次实验室学术论坛,将由Joost Walraven教授为大家带来一场关于既有建筑结构耐久性的讲座,欢迎大家积极参与讨论。

主题:   The aging infrastructure: challenge for researchers and engineers
主讲人:Em. Prof. Joost Walraven
              Delft University of Technology
              Convenor of fib Task Group 3.2 “Modeling the behaviour of existing structures”
时间:3月21日(周四)下午16:00 - 18:00

All around the world during the last decades new bridges and tunnels have been built. The design of those structures aimed at satisfying the demands for structural safety and serviceability.  Not too much attention was given to durability and service life.
Now we have reached a stage that many of those structures appear not to meet the demands of structural safety anymore and there is uncertainty about the remaining service life.  There are three main reasons for worrying about structural safety and durability:
1.    Many structures are subjected to higher loads than for which they have been designed originally.
2.    The structural materials have lost a part of their strength and ductility due to material degradation, with the consequence that the structural safety has been reduced to an unacceptable level.
3.    The structures have been built according to design rules, which are not accepted anymore.
Countries do now have to cope with large numbers of structures which have to be evaluated in order to make the right decisions, like closing, upgrading or even leaving like it is.
An important condition to make the right decisions is that we understand the behaviour of existing structures. It has been demonstrated that research can significantly contribute to a better understanding of structural behaviour and saving money by making correct decisions.
In the International Concrete Fédération fib, a new Model Code for Concrete Structures is under development, which should apply both to the design of new, and the assessment of existing structures.   Four Task Groups work now with the aim to include existing structures with an unknown remaining service life in the new recommendation.  The Task Group 3.2 deals with “Modeling the behaviour of existing structures”
In this presentation, an overview is given of the development of this relatively new field of expertise, with a number of practical examples.


上一条:2019.3.27 第四届第三期-Em. Prof. Joost Walraven-From high strength to high-performance concrete
下一条:2019.3.14 第四届第一期-韩宁旭教授-&lt;Introduction to Engineering Ethics&gt;工程伦理学介绍