中文版 English 广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室 深圳市土木工程耐久性重点实验室 中-荷土木工程材料联合实验室



2019年04月24日 19:458









  洪舒贤,中国共产党党员,特聘教授;2014年在欧盟玛丽居里博士奖学金资助下获德国柏林工业大学工学博士学位。2016年入职深圳大学土木工程学院,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者,国际期刊Cement and Concrete Composites 编委,深圳市海外高层次人才,深圳大学荔园优青获得者。

  洪舒贤博士长期致力于滨海混凝土耐久性基础理论与实用技术研究;近五年,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、青年项目1项,教育部协同育人项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金广东省联合基金项目1项、重大科研仪器研制项目1项;发表学术论文六十余篇,包括SCI论文五十余篇;JCR 1区论文40篇,Top 期刊40篇,SCI论文他引三百余次;授权中国发明专利5项项;参编国家标准2部,行业标准1部;研究成果被纳入在国家标准《既有混凝土结构耐久性评定标准》(GB/T51355-2019);研究成果受到国内学者好评。



1、2011-5至2015-2, 德国柏林工大 Technical University of Berlin, 土木工程, 博士, 导师: Prof. Frank U. Vogdt

2、2006-9至2009-12, 波尔图大学 University of Porto, 土木工程, 硕士, 导师: Prof. Alvaro Cunha

3、2001-9至2005-7, 福州大学, 土木工程, 学士



2022.1- 至今      深圳大学-特聘教授

2020-12至2021-12   深圳大学-副教授

2016-6至2020-12    深圳大学-土木与交通工程学院- 特聘研究员,助理教授

2010-12至2014-03   德国联邦材料研究和试验中心(BAM)  - 研究员


土木工程结构试验与检测 (本科)





[1] 国家自然科学基金,(52078298),基于钢筋表面LDH原位生长技术的滨海混凝土锈蚀防护研究,在研.

[2] 硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室开放基金,(SYSJJ2020-11),基于X射线水渗透成像的水泥基材料孔结构反演研究,在研.

[3] 深圳市科创委,土木工程无损检测与可视化成像,在研.

[4] 国家自然科学基金,(U1801254),滨海工程混凝土锈蚀智能抑制系统,在研.

[5] 国家自然科学基金,(51878411),滨海混凝土锈蚀表征与抑制研究,在研.

[6] 国家自然科学基金,(51727813),高能X射线CT混凝土结构测试系统,在研.

[7] 国家自然科学基金,(51508106),基于探地雷达的混凝土锈蚀可视化周期监测,结题.



[1] Shuxian Hong*.Wei Liu.Changes in chemical phases and microscopic characteristics of fly ash blended cement pastes in different CO2 concentrations,Construction and Building Materials,2020-10-01.Top期刊

[2] Biqin Dong*.Zhu Ding.Electrochemical properties of aluminum tripolyphosphate modified chemically bonded phosphate ceramic anticorrosion coating,Construction and Building Materials,2020-08-01.Top期刊

[3] Shuxian Hong*.Jianchao Zhang.Inverse modeling deduction of pore distribution in cement materials from capillary absorption features,Construction and Building Materials,2020-05-01.Top期刊

[4] Biqin Dong*.Shuxian Hong.Characterization of the corrosion profiles of reinforcement with different impressed current densities by X-ray micro-computed tomography,Cement and Concrete Composites,2020-05-01.Top期刊

[5] Biqin Dong*.Shuxian Hong.Quantification of rust penetration profile in reinforced concrete deduced by inverse modeling,Cement and Concrete Composites,2020-04-01.Top期刊

[6] Biqin Dong*.Shuxian Hong.Water distribution characteristics in cement paste with capillary absorption,Construction and Building Materials,2020-04-01.Top期刊

[7] Biqin Dong*.Shuxian Hong.Determination of impressed current efficiency during accelerated corrosion of reinforcement,Cement and Concrete Composites,2020-04-01.Top期刊

[8] Biqin Dong*.Jianchao Zhang.Water distribution modelling of capillary absorption in cementitious materials,Construction and Building Materials,2020-03-01.Top期刊

[9] Biqin Dong*.Shuxian Hong.Determining influence of impressed current density on current efficiency with X-ray micro-computed tomography,Construction and Building Materials,2020-01-01.Top期刊

[10] Biqin Dong*.Zhu Ding.In situ precipitation for the surface treatment and repair of cement-based materials,Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology,2019-12-01.

[11] Biqin Dong*.Shuxian Hong.Visualized tracing of capillary absorption process in cementitious material based on X ray computed tomography,Cement and Concrete Composites,2019-12-01.Top期刊

[12] Feng Xing*.Yuanyuan Zhang.One-Step Generation of Multistimuli-Responsive Microcapsules via the Multilevel Interfacial Assembly of Polymeric Complexes,ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2019-11-01.Top期刊

[13] Feng Xing*.Shuxian Hong.Corrosion Features of the Reinforcing Bar in Concrete with Intelligent OH− Regulation of Microcapsules,Materials,2019-11-01.

[14] Feng Xing*.Jianchao Zhang.Investigating the influence of fly ash on the hydration behavior of cement using an electrochemical method,Construction and Building Materials,2019-10-01.Top期刊

[15] Feng Xing*.Yuanyuan Zhang.Salt-Triggered Release of Hydrophobic Agents from Polyelectrolyte Capsules Generated via One-Step Interfacial Multilevel and Multicomponent Assembly,ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2019-10-01.Top期刊

[16] Qingfeng Lu*.Wenqiang Jiang.Binding capacity and diffusivity of concrete subjected to freeze-thaw and chloride attack: A numerical study,Ocean Engineering,2019-08-01.Top期刊

[17] Feng Xing*.Jianchao Zhang.Water distribution modelling of capillary absorption in cementitious materials,Construction and Building Materials,2019-08-01.Top期刊

[18] Jianguo Dai*.Zhu Ding.Strengthening concrete using phosphate cement-based fiber-reinforced inorganic composites for improved fire resistance,Construction and Building Materials,2019-07-01.Top期刊

[19] Biqin Dong*.Shuxian Hong.Visual & quantitative identification of cracking in mortar subjected to loads it using X-ray computed tomography method,Cement and Concrete Composites,2019-07-01.Top期刊

[20] Shuxian Hong*.Biqin Dong.Investigation of the Cl- migration behavior of cement materials blended with fly ash or/and slag via the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method,Construction and Building Materials,2019-06-01.Top期刊

[21] Investigation of the Cl migration behavior of cement materials blendedwith fly ash or/and slag via the electrochemical impedance spectroscopymethod,Construction and Building Materials,2019-01-01.Top期刊

[22] Visual & quantitative identification of cracking in mortar subjected to loadsusing X-ray computed tomography method,Cement and Concrete Composites,2019-01-01.Top期刊

[23] Lei Qin*.Hongwei Ren.Visualized investigation of defect in cementitious materials with electrical resistance tomography,Construction and Building Materials,2019-01-01.Top期刊

[24] Biqin Dong*.Shuxian Hong.Investigation on early hydration features of magnesium potassium phosphate cementitious material with the electrodeless resistivity method,Construction and Building Materials,2018-07-01.Top期刊

[25] Biqin Dong*.Guohao Fang.Visualized tracing of crack self-healing features in cement/microcapsule system with X-ray microcomputed tomography,Construction and Building Materials,2018-05-01.Top期刊

[26] Shuxian Hong*.Biqin Dong.Visualized tracing of rebar corrosion evolution in concrete with x-ray microcomputed tomography method,Cement and Concrete Composites,2018-04-01.Top期刊

[27] Shuxian Hong*.Biqin Dong.3D visualized tracing of rebar corrosion-inhibiting features in concretewith a novel chemical self-healing system,Construction and Building Materials,2018-02-01.Top期刊

[28] Shuxian Hong*.Biqin Dong.Electrochemical feature for chloride ion transportation in fly ash blended cementitious materials,Construction and Building Materials,2018-02-01.Top期刊

[29] Shuxian Hong*.Biqin Dong.Non-destructive tracing on hydration feature of slag blended cement with electrochemical method,Construction and Building Materials,2017-09-01.Top期刊

[30] Shuxian Hong*.Biqin Dong.Chemical self-healing system with novel microcapsules for corrosion inhibition of rebar in concrete,Cement and Concrete Composites,2017-09-01.Top期刊

[31] Biqin Dong*.Qiwen Qiu.Influence of slag incorporation on electrochemical behavior of carbonated cement,Construction and Building Materials,2017-08-01.Top期刊

[32] Feng Xing*.Biqin Dong.Performance recovery concerning the permeability of concrete by means of a microcapsule based self-healing system,Cement and Concrete Composites,2017-04-01.Top期刊

[33] Shuxian Hong*.Biqin Dong.Monitoring reinforcement corrosion and corrosion-induced cracking by X-ray microcomputed tomography method,Corrosion Science,2017-01-01.Top期刊

[34] Long-term monitoring of reinforcement corrosion in concrete usingground penetrating radar,Corrosion Science,2017-01-01.Top期刊

[35] Rosemarie Helmerich*.Shuxian Hong.Experimental monitoring of chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion and chloride contamination in concrete with ground-penetrating radar,Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,2015-01-01.

[36] Shuxian Hong*.Shuxian Hong.Periodic mapping of reinforcement corrosion in intrusive chloride contaminated concrete with GPR,Construction and Building Materials,2014-09-01.Top期刊


1、 洪舒贤; 董必钦; 邢锋; 董鹏; 刘昱清; 史桂昀; 滕晓娟; 郭邦文; 丁蔚健; 顾镇涛; 李桂; 精确调控的钢筋加速锈蚀的系统和方法, 2019-10-8, 中国, ZL201710338762.6.
2、董必钦; 洪舒贤; 刘昱清; 邢锋; 房国豪; 张建超; 徐伟伟; 林立; 陈岸伦;
袁斯鸿; 一种钢筋混凝土结构应力原位在线监测方法, 2017-1-25, 中国, ZL 2014 10161590.6.
3、洪舒贤; 董必钦; 邢锋; 田凯歌; 埋入式混凝土三维电阻成像传感器阵列, 2018-11-2, 中国, ZL201820368768.8.
4、洪舒贤; 刘昱清; 滕晓娟; 陈仕仕; 董必钦; 史桂昀; 董鹏; 丁蔚健; 张浩祺;贺林龙; 罗群耀; 一种X射线CT层析扫描轴压实验配套的制样模具, 2017-5-24, 中国, ZL201621211465.2.
5、洪舒贤; 董鹏; 刘昱清; 董必钦; 滕晓娟; 史桂昀; 杨略; 顾镇涛; 李桂; 一种X射线CT层析扫描钢筋腐蚀实验配套的制样模具, 2017-5-24, 中国, ZL201621211756.1.
6、洪舒贤; 刘昱清; 陈仕仕; 董必钦; 滕晓娟; 董鹏; 史桂昀; 丁蔚健; 张浩祺;贺林龙; 罗群耀; 一种X射线CT层析扫描弯曲试验的加载装置, 2017-5-24, 中国, ZL201621211536.9.



国际期刊 Cement and Concrete Composites  编委

中国硅酸盐学会测试技术分会            理事

国际材料结构和实验室联合会(RILEM)      会员




