中文版 English 广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室 深圳市土木工程耐久性重点实验室 中-荷土木工程材料联合实验室



2019年04月24日 19:458


广东省滨海土木耐久性重点实验室 副主任


办公地址:土木工程学院院馆 A523



男,1975年3月生,博士,教授;2005年获得香港科技大学哲学博士;广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室副主任;深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀人才)B类,深圳市高层次人才;广东省“千百十”工程省级培养对象;深圳大学第一届”荔园优青“获得者。在滨海混凝土结构劣化性能恢复与提升的基础理论及其工程应用方面取得了系列化创新性成果。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,深圳大学交叉学科创新团队项目1项;承担国家自然科学基金重大国家合作项目1项(第一参与人),广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目1项(团队核心成员)等多项国家及省部级科研项目;发表学术论文97篇,其中SCI收录论文44篇;SCI文章他引201次;研究成果写入RILEM 自修复混凝土委员会(Technical Committee 221)2013年年度进展报告;授权中国发明专利30项;受邀在国际/国内学术会议做大会及特邀报告共3次。研究成果在多个重要工程获得应用,取得了良好的社会经济效益。


 研究方向/Area of Expertise 






获得荣誉/Awards, Honours and fellowships 



   社会兼职/Professional Activities

国际材料与结构研究实验联合会TC-235 技术委员会技术委员;


 科研项目/Research Projects 

项目来源:东南大学。项目名称:超高索塔材料空间分布三维重构与分析技术服务。时间:2016.01~2016.03; 进行中。项目负责人  


   发表SCI论文/Selected SCI Publications

  • Biqin Dong, Guohao Fang, Yanshuai Wang, Yuqing Liu, Shuxian Hong, Jianchao Zhang, Shangmin Lin, Feng Xing*. Performance recovery concerning the permeability of concrete by means of a microcapsule based self-healing system. Cement and Concrete Composites 2017, 78: 84-96.

  • Hong, S., Wiggenhauser, H., Helmerich, R., Dong, B., Dong, P., Xing, F.  Long-term monitoring of reinforcement corrosion in concrete using ground penetrating radar. Corrosion Science. 2017, 114: 123–132.

  • Yanshuai Wang, Weijian Ding, Guohao Fang, Yuqing Liu, Feng Xing, Biqin Dong*.Feasibility study on corrosion protection of steel bar in a self-immunity system based on increasing OH− content. Construction and Building Materials. 2016, 125: 742–748.

  • Haijun Zhou, Yuqing Liu, Youyuan Lu, Peng Dong, Bangwen Guo, Weijian Ding, Feng Xing, Tiejun Liu, Biqin Dong*. In-situ crack propagation monitoring in concrete elements embedded with cement-based piezoelectric ceramic sensors. Construction and Building Materials. 2016, 126: 361–368.

  • Biqin Dong, Yuqing Liu, Lei Qin, Yaocheng Wang, Yuan Fang, Feng Xing, Xianchuan Chen. In situ structural health monitoring of a reinforced concrete frame embedded with cement based piezoelectric smart composites   . Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2016, 27(4): 216–229.

  • Biqin Dong, Jianchao Zhang, Yanshui Wang, Guohao Fang, Yuqing Liu, Feng Xing*. Evolutionary trace for early hydration of cement paste using electrical resistivity method. Construction and Building Materials. 119(2016)16–20.

  • Biqin Dong, Jianchao Zhang, Yuqing Liu, Guohao Fang, Zhu Ding, Feng Xing*.Tracing hydration feature of aluminophosphate cementitious materials by means of electrochemical impedance method.     Construction and Building Materials. 2016, 113: 997–1006.

  • Wei-wen Li, Wei-ming Ji, Guo-hao Fang, Yu-qing Liu, Feng Xing, Yu-kai Liu, Bi-qin Dong*.Electrochemical impedance interpretation for the fracture toughness of carbon nanotube-cement composites. Construction and Building Materials. 2016, 114: 499–505.

  • Biqin Dong, Lve Yang, Qingyun Yuan, Yuqing Liu, Jianchao Zhang, Guohao Fang, Yanshuai Wang, Yinghuan Yan, Feng Xing*. Characterization and evaluation of the surface free energy for cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials. 2016, 110: 163-168.

  • Biqin Dong, Guohao Fang, Weijian Ding, Yuqing Liu, Jianchao Zhang, Ningxu Han, Feng Xing*. Self-healing features in cementitious material with urea–formaldehyde/epoxy microcapsules. Construction and Building Materials. 2016, 106: 608-617.

  • Biqin Dong, Qiwen Qiu, Zhentao Gu, Jiaqi Xiang, Canjie Huang, Yuan Fang, Feng Xing, Wei Liu*. Characterization of carbonation behavior of fly ash blended cement materials by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2016, 65: 118-127.

  • Yanshuai Wang, Guohao Fang, Weijian Ding, Ningxu Han, Feng Xing,  Biqin Dong*. Self-immunity microcapsules for corrosion protection of steel bar in reinforced concrete. Scientific Report, 2015. 5:18484, DOI: 10.1038/srep18484.

  • Lu Zichen, Kong Xiangming, Zhang Qing, Cai Yi,  Zhang Yanrong, Wang, Ziming, Dong Biqin, Xing Feng. Influences of styrene-acrylate latexes on cement hydration in oil well cement system at different temperatures, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2016 (507): 46-57.

  • Lu Zichen, Kong Xiangming, Zhang Qing, Cai Yi, Zhang Yanrong, Wang, Ziming, Dong Biqin, Xing Feng. Interaction of silylated superplasticizers with cementitious materials, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2016, 133(43).

  • Zhang Yanrong, Kong Xiangming, Lu Zichen, Lu Zhenbao, Zhang Qing, Dong Bi-Qin, Xing Feng. Influence of triethanolamine on the hydration product of portlandite in cement paste and the mechanism. Cement and Concrete Research. 2016 (87) 64-76.

  • Lu Zichen, Kong Xiangming, Yang Ruifang, Yanrong Zhang, Lingfei Jiang, Ziming Wang, Qichun Wang, Wei Liu, Min Zeng, Shiming Zhou, Biqin Dong, Feng Xing. Oil swellable polymer modified cement paste: Expansion and crack healing upon oil absorption. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 114: 98-108.

  • Zhang Yanrong, Kong Xiangming, Gao Liang, Lu Zichen, Zhou Shiming, Dong Biqin, Xing Feng, In-situ measurement of viscoelastic properties of fresh cement paste by a microrheology analyser. Cement and Concrete Research, 2016 (79): 291-300.

  • Haijun Zhou, Jinlong Lu, Xi Xv, Biqin Dong*, Feng Xing. Effects of stirrup corrosion on bond–slip performance of reinforcing steel in concrete: An experimental study. Construction and Building Materials. 2015, 93: 257-266.

  • Biqin Dong, Yuqing Liu, Lei Qin, Yaocheng Wang, Yuan Fang, Feng Xing, Xianchuan Chen*. In situ stress monitoring of the concrete beam under static loading with cement-based piezoelectric sensors. Nondestructive Testing and . 2015, 30(4): 312-326.

  • Biqin Dong, Qiwen Qiu, Jiaqi Xiang, Canjie Huang, Hongfang Sun, Feng Xing, Wei Liu*. Electrochemical impedance interpretation of the carbonation behavior for fly ash-slag-cement materials. Construction and Building Materials. 2015, 93: 933-942.

  • Lei Qin*, Hongwei Ren, Biqin Dong, Feng Xing. Development of technique capable of identifying different corrosion stages in reinforced concrete. Applied Acoustics. 2015, 94: 53-56.

  • Hongfang Sun, Zishanshan Li, Jing Bai, Shazim Ali Memon, Biqin Dong, Yuan Fang, Weiting Xu*, Feng Xing*. Properties of chemically combusted calcium carbide residue and its influence on cement properties. Materials. 2015, 8, 638-651.

  • Biqin Dong, Yanshuai Wang, Guohao Fang, Ningxu Han, Feng Xing, Youyuan Lu*. Smart releasing behavior of a chemical self-healing microcapsule in the stimulated concrete pore solution. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2015, 56: 46-50.

  • Wei Xiong, Jiaoning Tang, Guangming Zhu, Ningxu Han, Erik Schlangen, Biqin Dong, Xianfeng Wang, Feng Xing*. A novel capsule-based self-recovery system with a chloride ion trigger. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5, 10866;doi: 10.1038/srep10866.

  • Biqin Dong, Yuqing Liu, Ningxu Han, Hongfang Sun, Feng Xing, Daoding Qin*. Study on the microstructure of cement-based piezoelectric ceramic composites. Construction and Building Materials. 2014, 72: 133-138.

  • Hongzhi Cui, Wenyu Liao*, Shazim Ali Memon, Biqin Dong, Waiching Tang. Thermophysical and mechanical properties of hardened cement paste with microencapsulated phase change materials for energy storage. Materials. 2014, 7, 8070-8087.

  • Jun Liu, Feng Xing*, Biqin Dong, Hongyan Ma*, Dong Pan. Study on water sorptivity of the surface layer of concrete. Materials and Structures. 2014, 47: 1941-1951.

  • Lei Qin*, Hongwei Ren, Biqin Dong*, Feng Xing. Acoustic emission behavior of early age concrete monitored by embedded sensors. Materials. 2014, 7, 6908-6918.

  • Biqin Dong, Yanshuai Wang, Weijian Ding, Shuting Li, Ningxu Han*, Feng Xing, Youyuan Lu. Electrochemical impedance study on steel corrosion in the simulated concrete system with a novel self-healing microcapsule. Construction and Building Materials. 2014, 56: 1-6.

  • Biqin Dong, Qiwen Qiu, Jiaqi Xiang, Canjie Huang, Feng Xing, Ningxu Han*, Youyuan Lu. Electrochemical impedance measurement and modeling analysis of the carbonation behavior for cementititous materials. Construction and Building Materials. 2014, 54: 558-565.

  • Jun Liu, Feng Xing*, Biqin Dong, Hongyan Ma*, Dong Pan. Study on surface permeability of concrete under immersion. Materials. 2014, 7, 876-886.

  • Biqin Dong, Qiwen Qiu, Jiaqi Xiang, Canjie Huang, Feng Xing, Ningxu Han*. Study on the carbonation behavior of cement mortar by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Materials. 2014, 7, 218-231.

  • Jun Liu, Feng Xing*, Biqin Dong, Hongyan Ma, Dong Pan. New equation for description of chloride ions diffusion in concrete under shallow immersion condition. Material Research Innovations, 2014, 18: 265-269.

  • Lu Youyuan, Zhang Jinrui, Li Zongjin, Dong Biqin. Corrosion monitoring of reinforced concrete beam using embedded cement-based piezoelectric sensor. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2013, 65(21), 1265-1276.

  • Binqin Dong, Ningxu Han, Ming Zhang, Xianfeng Wang, Hongzhi Cui, Feng Xing*. A microcapsule   technology based self-healing system for concrete structures. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami. 2013, 7(3): 1350014 (11 pages).

  • Biqin Dong*, Ningxu Han, Zhu Ding, Feng Xing *, Hongzhi Cui. A preliminary study of synthesized-in situ fiber in cement materials. Construction  and Building Materials. 2013, 40: 10-13.

  • Zhu Ding*, Biqin Dong, Feng Xing, Ningxu Han, Zongjin Li. Cementing mechanism of potassium phosphate based magnesium phosphate. Ceramics International. 2012, 38: 6281-6288.

  • Biqin Dong*, Feng Xing, Zongjin Li. Cement-based piezoelectric ceramic composite and its sensor applications in civil engineering. ACI materials Journal. 2011, 108(5): 543-549.

  • Feng Xing, Biqin Dong∗, Zongjin Li. The study of pore structure and its influence on material properties of cement-based piezoelectric ceramic composites. Construction & Building Materials. 2009, 23: 1374-1377.

  • Feng Xing*, Biqin Dong, Zongjin Li. Dielectric, piezoelectric, and elastic properties of cement-based piezoelectric ceramic composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2008, 91(9): 2886-2891.

  • Feng Xing, Biqin Dong*, Zongjin Li. Impedance spectroscopic studies of cement-based piezoelectric ceramic composites. Composites Science and Technology. 2008, 68: 2456-2460.

  • Biqin Dong*, Feng Xing, Zongjin Li. The study of poling behavior and modeling of cement-based piezoelectric ceramic composites. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2007, 456: 317-322.

  • Biqin Dong, Zongjin Li*. Cement-based piezoelectric ceramic smart composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2005, 65(9):1363-1371.

  • Zongjin Li*, Biqin Dong, Dong Zhang. Influence of polarization on properties of 0–3 cement-based PZT composites. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2005, 27(1): 27-32.


   授权专利/Granted Patents

  • 董必钦; 邢锋; 杨略; 陈镇鸿; 房国豪; 张健超; 徐伟伟; 王琰帅. 一种水泥基材料接触角和表面能的测量方法 - 201410091441.7

  • 董必钦; 刘昱清; 洪舒贤; 邢锋; 房国豪; 张健超; 徐伟伟; 林立; 陈岸伦; 袁斯鸿. 一种钢筋混凝土结构应力原位在线监测方法 - 201410161590.6

  • 董必钦; 邢锋; 张健超; 徐伟伟; 邹佳伟; 徐亚冲; 陈林鸿; 洪梓煜; 吕洋波; 颜肃; 吴林桂. 一种混凝土中氯离子浓度快速测试的方法和试纸 - 201410325482.8

  • 邢锋; 董必钦; 王琰帅; 冼向平; 陈立; 袁伟鹏. 一种混凝土化学自修复微胶囊囊芯释放量的测试方法 - 201310400416.8

  • 邢锋; 董必钦; 王琰帅; 冼向平; 杨博乾; 陈春桃; 黄诗嶸; 郑素君; 李智裕; 陈立. 一种具有化学触发功能的化学自修复混凝土及其制备方法 - 201310417945.9    

  • 邢锋; 董必钦; 王琰帅; 冼向平; 杨博乾; 陈春桃; 黄诗嶸; 郑素君; 李智裕; 陈立. 一种混凝土内养护剂、其制备方法及使用方法 - 201310417951.4

  • 董必钦; 邢锋; 李淑婷; 丁蔚健; 吴永潮; 王琰帅; 房国豪; 林立; 简震昭. 一种混凝土碱性调节微胶囊及其制备方法 - 201310535283.5

  • 董必钦; 邢锋; 丁蔚健; 李淑婷; 吴永潮; 王琰帅; 房国豪; 简震昭; 林立. 一种混凝土化学自修复微胶囊及其制备方法 - 201310535305.8

  • 董必钦; 邢锋; 丁铸; 刘伟. 一种乙基纤维素类单氟磷酸钠缓蚀剂及其制备方法 - 201110378765.5

  • 董必钦; 邢锋; 丁铸; 刘伟. 一种聚丙烯酸类亚硝酸钙缓蚀剂及其制备方法 - 201110379004.1

  • 董必钦; 邢锋; 丁铸; 刘伟. 一种乙基纤维素类亚硝酸钙缓蚀剂及其制备方法 - 201110378772.5

  • 董必钦; 邢锋; 丁铸; 龙武剑. 一种水泥基压电陶瓷复合材料的极化系统和极化方法 - 201210369479.7

  • 左建东; 罗超云; 董必钦; 余君燕; 赵雷; 邢锋. 聚苯乙烯/单氟磷酸钠微胶囊阻锈剂的制备方法 - 201210508729.0

  • 朱光明; 周玉明; 汤皎宁; 董必钦; 王险峰; 韩宁旭; 邢锋. 环氧微胶囊及其制备方法 - 201310215224.X

  • 朱光明; 陈冠锦; 汤皎宁; 董必钦; 王险峰; 韩宁旭; 邢锋. 一种以酚醛树脂为壁材用于自修复材料的微胶囊的制备方法 - 201310224906.7

  • 朱光明; 邬治平; 汤皎宁; 董必钦; 王险峰; 韩宁旭; 邢锋. 一种以聚脲为壁材的环氧微胶囊及其制备方法 - 201310224912.2

  • 朱光明; 周玉明; 汤皎宁; 董必钦; 王险峰; 韩宁旭; 邢锋. 一种以酚醛树脂为壁材的环氧微胶囊的制备方法 - 201310602919.3

  • 朱光明; 邢锋; 宋超男; 周玉明; 汤皎宁; 董必钦; 王险峰; 韩宁旭. 一种混凝土水性修复剂的微胶囊化方法- 201310603676.5
















