中文版 English 广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室 深圳市土木工程耐久性重点实验室 中-荷土木工程材料联合实验室


新加坡工程院院士J.Y.Richard Liew教授学术报告

2019年12月03日 09:188

新加坡工程院院士J.Y.Richard Liew教授学术报告

应深圳大学土木与交通工程学院、广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室的邀请,新加坡新加坡国立大学土木与环境工程系教授、Deputy Head J.Y.Richard Liew院士将于2019年12月6日到访广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室进行学术报告和交流工作。


1.学术报告:Building Peak of Excellence in Civil Engineering Research







The department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is a world-leading provider of education and research services working in partnership with private and public-sector clients across Asia. It is a pioneer in research innovation, offering world-class expertise and leadership in addressing growing global demand for sustainable infrastructures and buildings.  Under the leadership of Prof Liew, the Department is charting new research directions in the areas of climate change mitigation and digital technology for smart construction. In this lecture, Prof Liew will share his experience in managing research activities and building peaks of excellence in Civil Engineering research. He will discuss how climate change impacting the built environment and the use of digital and industrialised manufacturing techniques to improve productivity, minimise life cycle cost, improve sustainability and maximise user benefits.


J.Y.Richard Liew院士简介

Professor Richard Liew, Deputy Head of Research of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in NUS, is an international renowned leader in the field of steel and composite structures. His research focuses on the design and application of high strength and high performance materials in tall buildings and large span structures covering civil infrastructures, defence and security, and offshore engineering sectors.  He led a team of younger colleagues to secure large grant to work on Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) technology.  His research has won many awards including the recent best research paper prize from the Institute of Structural Engineers, UK. His has been actively involved in the design and construction of iconic large span and tall building projects in Singapore. He was the past president of Singapore structural steel society. His leadership role in the industry enabled his team to set industrial policies and published design guides that are relevant to engineering practices. He leads the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in NUS to work with industries and the government agencies to develop novel R&D solutions to address national challenges.

Richard Liew教授是新加坡国立大学土木与环境工程系 的Deputy Head (Research),国际知名的钢结构与组合结构领域的领军人物。他的研究重点是高强度和高性能材料在高层建筑和大跨度结构中的设计和应用,包括民用基础设施、国防和安全,以及海洋工程结构。他带领一群年轻同事获得了大额研究经费,用于研究设计、制造和装配一体化的建造技术(DfMA)。他的研究获得了许多奖项,包括最近英国结构工程师协会颁发的最佳研究论文奖。他一直积极参与新加坡标志性的大跨度和高层建筑项目的设计和施工。他是新加坡结构钢结构协会的前任会长。他在行业中的领导地位使他能够制定与工程实践相关的行业政策和出版相关设计指南。他领导新加坡国立大学土木与环境工程系与工业界和政府机构展开深入合作,开发新的研发解决方案以应对国家面临的挑战。.





