题目:Smart aggregate based damagedetection of FRP-strengthened concrete columns
时间:2018年12 月20日星期四上午10:00-11:30
Dr. G.Song is the founding Director of the Smart Materials and Structures Laboratoryand a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering,and Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Houston. Dr.Song is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2001. Dr. Song received hisPh.D. and MS degrees from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at ColumbiaUniversity in the City of New York in 1995 and 1991, respectively. Dr. Songreceived his B.S. degree in 1989 from Zhejiang University, China. He hasexpertise in smart materials and structures, structural vibration control,piezoceramics, ultrasonic transducers, structural health monitoring and damagedetection. He has developed two new courses in smart materials and publishedmore than 500 papers, including 300 peer reviewed journal articles. Dr. Song isalso an inventor or co-inventor of 19 US patents and 11 pending patents. He hasreceived research funding in smart materials and related research from NSF,DoE, NASA, Department of Education, Texas Higher Education Board, TSGC (TexasSpace Grant Consortium), UTMB (University of Texas Medical Branch), OSGC (OhioSpace Grant Consortium), OAI (Ohio Aerospace Institute), ODoT (Ohio Departmentof Transportation), HP, OptiSolar, GE, and Cameron. In addition to his researcheffort, Dr. Song has passion in improving teaching using technology. He is aleader in internet enabled remote experiment/laboratory and a pioneer insystematically implementing remote experiments in engineering education. Hereceived the prestigious Outstanding Technical Contribution Award from theAerospace Division of ASCE, the Excellence in Research & Scholarship Awardat Full Professor Level from UH, the Celebrating Excellence Award forExcellence in Education from ISA (International Society of Automation), theIEEE Educational Activities Board Meritorious Achievement Award in InformalEducation, among others. Dr. Song is a member of ASCE, ASME, and IEEE. Dr. Songserved as the General Chair of the Earth and Space Conference 2010, AerospaceDivision, ASCE.
