Prof. Li is the Leader of the Structures research group of the School of Marine Science and Engineering at the University of Plymouth. Before he moved to Plymouth, he was the Convener of Structures and Sustainability subject group in the University of Birmingham. He is an expert in the study of the durability of RC structures, particularly in the modelling of degradation of structures/materials due to mechanical and environmental loadings. He is one of the early organizers of the UK-China network on durability of RC structures sponsored by the Royal Society and China NSF to promote research collaboration between UK and Chinese universities. He has published more than 100 papers in refereed journals and over 40 papers in international conference proceedings. He is a member of editorial boards of The International Journal of Structural Engineering, Magazine of Concrete Research, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, and Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. He is a Fellow of The Institution of Structural Engineers, a member of the UK Concrete Society, and the International Society for Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics. He was the guest editor of the special issue of the International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control on durability of RC structures.
