中文版 English 广东省滨海土木工程耐久性重点实验室 深圳市土木工程耐久性重点实验室 中-荷土木工程材料联合实验室



2019年04月24日 19:458

土木工程学院 | 教授 | 副院长  




办公地址:土木工程学院院馆 A506

办公电话:+86 (0)755-26732921



博士、深圳大学土木工程学院教授、硕士生导师。哈尔滨建筑大学硕士学位;哈尔滨工业大学博士学位。主要从事混凝土结构耐久性、FRP 加固混凝土结构、FRP轻质混凝土组合结构等领域的研究和教学工作。




    研究方向/Area of Expertise

混凝土结构耐久性、FRP 加固混凝土结构、FRP轻质混凝土组合结构


   获得荣誉/Awards, Honours and Fellowships

2008、 2010“深圳大学第三届优秀本科课堂教学奖”二等奖


2008年度、 2010、 2012、2014年度“优秀实习指导教师”






   社会兼职/Professional activities

- 全国纤维增强塑料标准化技术委员会土木工程用复合材料及纤维分技术委员会委员

- 广东省第六届学位委员会专业学位研究生教育指导委员会委员

- 土木工程学报外审专家





   科研项目/Research Projects

- 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大应变FRP加固锈蚀钢筋混凝土柱的抗震 性能研究(51578337)主持,在研;

- 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目)(2011CB013600),近海重大交通工程地震破坏机理及全寿命性能设计与控制,第4课题:近海重大交通工程结构抗震性能劣化机理与时变规律,参与人,结题;

- 国家自然科学基金面上项目:恶劣环境与荷载作用下FRP约束混凝土柱的应力-应变本构关系研究(项目编号:51178271),主持,结题;

- 国家自然科学基金面上项目:表面粘贴与嵌入式FRP加固混凝土构件的耐性机理研究(50878130)。主持,结题;

- 广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目(9351806001000001), 腐蚀环境下混凝土基础设施服役性能保障研究与应用,项目核心成员之一; 结题;

- 深圳市科技研发资金基础研究重点项目:荷载与环境共同作用下FRP约束混凝土柱损伤机理与力学性能研究(JC201005250051A),主持,结题;

- 深圳市交通局项目:深圳西部港疏港道路工程混凝土结构全寿命保障的对策研究(szcg2008006236),第一负责人。结题。


   论文著作/Selected Publications


● Yingwu Zhou , Xilong Chen,Zhiheng Fan , Lili Sui (*). Bond behaviors of FRP-to-concrete interface under the control of a novel end-anchorage system. Composite Structures,2017,101 168(1):130~142
● Yingwu Zhou ,Xiaoming Liu,Feng Xing,Dawang Li,Yaocheng Wang, Lili Sui (*) , Behavior and Modeling of FRP-Concrete-Steel Double-Skin Tubular Columns Made of Full Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, Construction and building Materials.2017.1.1139(1):52~63
● Yingwu Zhou ,Xiaoming Liu,Feng Xing,Hongzhi Cui, Lili Sui (*) , Axial Compressive Behavior of FRP-confined Lightweight Aggregate Concrete: An Experimental Study and Stress-strain Relation Model. Construction and Building Materials, 20163.1,119(1): 1~15
● Yingwu Zhou, Li Mali, Feng Xing ,Lili Sui (*), Effect of sulfate attack on the stress-strain relationship of FRP-confined concrete Construction ,Construction and Building Materials,2016.1.1,110(1): 235~250
● Y.W. Zhou, Z.H. Fan, J. Du, L.L.Sui(通讯),, F.Xing. Bond Behavior of FRP-to-Concrete Interface under Sulfate Attack: An Experimental Study and Modeling of Bond Degradation, Construction and Building Materials, 2015,1.1.,8(5): 9~21
● Yingwu Zhou , Hao Tian , Feng Xing, Ningxu Han, li li Sui (*). Strength Deterioration of Concrete in Sulfate Environment: An Experimental Study and Theoretical Modeling. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2015.6.1(4) :1~11
● Lili sui , Xinrui.etc. Investigation on Bond Performances Between Concrete and Near-surfaced Mounted FRP Reinforcement. Advanced Science Letters, 2011, 4: 3272-3277. (SCI/EI)
● Lili Sui, Tiejun Liu ,etc. Experimental Study on Flexural Performances for Concrete Beams Strengthened with Near-surface Mounted (NSM) FRP Reinforcement. Advanced Materials Research. 2011,Vol.163-167: 3634-3639.
● Ying-Wu Zhou, Yu-Fei Wu, Yan-chun Yu, Li-li Sui and Feng Xing. Bond-Slip Relationship for Externally-bonded FRP with Limited Bond Length, ACI SP-275,P23.
● Lili sui,Xinrui.etc Investigation on Bond Performances Between Concrete and Near-surfaced Mounted FRP Reinforcement. Advanced Science Letters Vol.4.3272-3277-2011(SCI:000295057700128).
● Lili Sui, Tiejun Liu, Feng Xing and Yuxiang Fu. Experimental Study on Flexural Performances for Concrete Beams Strengthened with Near-surface Mounted (NSM)FRP Reinforcement. Advanced Materials Research. Vol.163-167(2011), pp.3634-3639,2011,(EI: 20110313593769)
● Lili Sui, Xing Feng, Weiwen Li, Lixiang zou and Yingwu zhou. Experimental Studies on Durability of FRP Confined Concrete Coolums. Proceedings of the 2nd International Confernce on Durability of Concrete Structures ICDCs 2010. Advances in Concrete Structural Durability. Hokkaido University Press. pp.673-680
● Lili Sui, hongyuan Zhang, Weiwen Li, Jinfang Liu and, Xing Feng. Experimental Investigations on bond behaviors between FRP bars and concrete under corrosive environment. Proceedings of the 11th ISSE, Science Press, Vol.1, pp.908-914, 2010.
● Lili Sui, Fengxing, Jihua Zhu, Dawang Li and Jinfang Liu. Experimental Study on Flexural Performance of Steel and FRP Hyrbid-reinforced Concrete Beams. Service Life Design for Infrastructure Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium, Vol.1, pp.115-122, 2010.
● Lili Sui, Tiejun Liu. State-of-art of Multifunctional and Intelligent Concrete, Key Engineering Materials. 2006,Vol303:424~431 (ISSN: 1013-9826 SCI: BDX44, EI: 2006119761581)
● Lili Sui, Jinfang Liu, Zhengliang Cao. FRP mechanical properties and its potential applications under severe environmental and load conditions. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Service Life Design for Underground Structures.2006.10 253~259
● Chuan Wang, Lili Sui, Jinping Ou. Experimental Study on the corrosion resistance of GFRPP rebar in alkali, acid and salt solutions. Advanced Materials Research. 2011 (146-147): 1356~1360  















