1.学术交流会:2019年7 月5日星期五上午9:30-11:00
2.讲座题目:How To Write Papers To Enhance SCI Journal Acceptance
报告人:Prof. David Hui
Abstract:The criteria for journal acceptance will be discussed, and explained. This will include 11 tips, and detailed descriptions on what an editor will look for, and why a paper is accepted or rejected. This talk will enable students and professors to pay special attention on abstracts, introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. The talk will also involve how to conduct research to get the best results, and how to write MS or Ph.D. theses.
Biography of David Hui
Dr. David Hui is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and director of Composites Materials Research Laboratory at University of New Orleans. He received his Ph.D. from University of Toronto in Aerospace Engineering, and Master of Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and he has edited over 40 widely cited books, as evidence in the Google Search showing on these books. Moreover, Dr. Hui has conducted approx. 4 million US dollar funded research on composites materials and nano-materials, mostly for mechanical/aerospace engineering and ship structures applications. He has co-authored over 220 SCI journal publications, and these papers have received over 3000 citations from ISI web of science (over 700 citations per year in 2015, not including self-citations from www.webofscience.com). Currently, Dr. Hui serves on over 40 technical committees or editorial boards, consisting of over 2000 respected scientists on specific diverse fields of materials or nano science.